Law Offices of Ani O. Maronian


Most Recent Successes

Our Mission Statement at Law Offices of Ani O. Maronian is to provide individualized, professional services, one client at a time. This means that we take the time necessary to best help each and every client. This comes down to our concierge, premier style and attention to detail.

Property Damage

Insurance Company Offer – $4,000
Settled Amount – $150,000.00+

Business Deal

Negotiated high intensity business deal and drafted contract benefitting our client.

Property Insurance Dispute

Insurance Company Offer – $7,000
Settled Amount – $200,000.00+

Property Purchase Dispute

Resolved in our client’s favor.

Landlord/Tenant Dispute

Resolved in our client’s favor.

Music Contract

Negotiated and drafted.

Looking for a concierge, premier law firm?

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